Yoga Asana for Wellbeing

Why do we do Yoga? What exactly Yoga is apart from the nice physical poses? Yet there is a complete life wisdom dated back to as far as 5000BC in the Indian ancient text of Upanishad.

Clear the cluttered mind, make space for intuition comes to you

The word “Yoga” comes from the Sankrit “Yuj”, it means joining, union! In the ancient text context, it refers to the union of individual self with the universal self (yujyate anena iti yogah). Yoga is “the way” to join! In the context of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, “yuj” refers to samadhi, Concentration!

Yoga Citta Vrtti Nirodhah (Yoga Sutra: 1.2)

Patajanli pointed out an key essence of Yoga is that Yoga is the cessation of mind. The nature of mind is always thinking, jumping, away, and Yoga is a concentration skill that to help us to control, to calm the mind. Given this ancient scripture background, Yoga is a systematic process for individual growth to cultivate the mind to attain a higher level of consciousness.

Consciousness is to show the level of understanding of things, situations, if we bring awareness to what we are consciously doing, i.e. concentration, our mind follows! Through Yoga Asana postures practice, to connect the physical body with your breathe, use the breathe as a concentration tool, then the mind follows! When the mind focuses on the inhalation and exhalation, it stops jumping. We are in a state of calmness and harmony with the body and mind in the present moment, move away from the hustle bustle of life matters. At this moment, we are easily to attain a higher level of consciousness, feeling great with the body in a state of comfortness and happiness. That’s wellbeing!

In this class you will experience the Hatha Yoga approach in traditional sun salutation to reconnect your body with the awareness of breathing rhythm. Without breathing properly, the oxygen doesn’t flow effectively to the body parts! Therefore, breathing exercise helps us to control the breathe to make energy flow efficiently. In this approach, you gain awareness on your breathe in contacting with the “Prana – the life force” in you. You will be feeling calmer and clearer mind after the practice.

You will experience yoga asana, breathing exercise, guided meditation (concentration practice), and lastly enjoying Crystal Bowl sound bath to help releasing and to retain the good vibes to bring along with you!

what will you benefit from it:

  • relaxing tensions in the body
  • build strength and stamina of the body
  • build confident and awareness of the body
  • calm the monkey mind
  • build better focus, concentration skill
  • experiencing the present moment with your breathe
  • better sleeping quality
  • feeling motivated
  • ease fatigue

Suitable for: those who wants to look for calming mind, and body, at the same time gaining awareness and stamina of the body

One-on-one fees $1333 (in person at your place) /1.5hr

One-on-two or small group fees $333 per / 1hr