Coaching with Angel Cards Reading

Life pattern simply repeats itself automatically if without awareness


Conditioned Life Pattern

If you have a chance reading this article, Congratulation! You started to aware that somehow life seems to be stucked! Or you are thinking its time to change! Because life seems to go in a loop repeating itself with different people, environments, and situations! Once you recognize that something isn’t right, and when you realize it, the possibility to make a change in your life is so much higher!

Our life is composed of chains of life events (not to mention and get into the topic of past, present, and future of this big topic here!), overal the life experience is created by minions of those life events. Each event is created by thought!

The power of thought

to realize how powerful the thought is, just by observing the pattern of life, how much time do you focus on positive thoughts? How much time do you focus on the negative thoughts? Each thought is a seed of life event, the quality of life experience dependings on the “seed of thought”. It determines the outcome, the experience!

Every thought triggers an emotion and that leads to different choices of action we take, the action leads to the result! This formula is almost like an universial law of cause and effect, which always happens in this formula. So if substituting a positive thought to a negative thought or vice versa, the result can be completely the opposite!

Now take a moment, what is your feeling about your life at this moment? How would you rate your life at this moment? 

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My Role as a Coach, is to:

to Inspire People to Aware & Discover the Path to a meaningful Life Purpose, to Raise Consciousness to become a better version of themselves

Format of the session:

  • session can be conducted by phone call, by video call, or in person
  • after each session, will receive an article to read or meditation audio to practice or self-awareness exercise
  • can be conduct in Cantonese or English

Fees: $1333 (1.5 hour session)